Campus Safety Features

  • Original Bond Cost: $4.3 million

  • Projected Total Cost: $7 million

    • After the 2018 bond program, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3, requiring campuses to meet certain safety standards.The Texas Education Agency’s School Safety Standards Proposal Rule Summary requires that: “Windowed doors on the ground level or windows that are adjacent to or near a door and are large enough to allow someone to enter if broken must be reinforced with entry-resistant film unless within a secured area.

    • Frisco ISD applied for grant money to enhance our original bond plan and complete these projects. Grant money is being spent first, and then the project will be closed out with bond funds.

  • Scope: Retrofit interior classroom glass to bullet resistant and add campus emergency lockdown technology

Security Surveillance Updates

  • Original Bond Cost: $8.3 million

  • Final Cost: $9.6 million

  • Scope: Upgrade and/or update security cameras, servers and fiber. Replace approximately 2,400 security cameras and add 4K cameras in high-traffic locations. Replace older servers with higher-capacity servers which will increase storage and process video faster. Move servers from shared fiber to fiber-only pushing video at elementary schools.