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Frisco ISD educators celebrated the 15th birthday of the Frisco Education Foundation (FEF) in an unusual way last month – many of them were the ones who received gifts.
The non-profit organization, founded in 1999, provides financial resources to maximize student potential in FISD through educational programs, student scholarships and grants for innovative educators.
The Foundation’s Grants for Great Ideas program is designed to benefit student learning. Each year, teachers and administrators are surprised in their classrooms with oversized checks and lots of applause. FEF handed out a record $84,000 in grant money this year, according to Director Allison Miller.
“Christmas has come early this year,” said Stacy Kosydar, music teacher at Ogle Elementary. She literally leapt from her desk when the FEF team entered her room. She plans to spend her grant money on a program she can use in the classroom but that students may also use at home online to learn more about music.
Whether it seems like a holiday gift or birthday surprise, the money awarded through Grants for Great Ideas is always exciting for educators. Educators fill out grant forms requesting funding for programs or items that will enhance the FISD curriculum and bring a beneficial bonus to the classroom experience.
Books, online programs, access to specialized supplies or guest speakers, are just some of the many ways grant money is spent in FISD. This year, 65 educators across 26 campuses received grant money, impacting more than 26,000 students.
Peter Burns, president of Frisco Education Foundation, donned his birthday party hat and joined Miller and other Frisco ISD friends to lead the way in delivering the news to grant winners. Burns has participated in the event for several years and still gets excited to be the bearer of good news for the teachers who receive money.
This year the delivery team went with their birthday theme by wearing birthday party hats. “Is my hat on straight?” Burns asked as he prepared to bring tidings of joy to yet another educator.
All of FISD wishes a happy 15th birthday to FEF and hopes the Grants for Great Ideas bring joy to the students who will benefit from the program.