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The Frisco ISD School Board approved minor changes this week that will impact the boundary between FISD and Allen ISD in the City of McKinney.
The land is undeveloped; therefore no students currently live in the affected areas and none will be impacted by the adjustment.
The changes, however, will eliminate concerns regarding the future construction of a Frisco ISD high school near the northwest corner of Stacy Road and Collin McKinney Parkway in McKinney.
“This adjustment will give us greater flexibility in terms of the layout of the site, including how the school and athletic fields will be situated, where access, circulation and parking will go and other design considerations,” said Frisco ISD Deputy Superintendent for Business Services Richard Wilkinson.
Current enrollment projections show that an additional high school may be needed in this area as early as the fall of 2019. That timeframe, or the location of the next high school, could change as FISD monitors and updates projection figures annually.
Three areas in the City of McKinney will be impacted by the boundary adjustment including:
Texas Education Code allows school districts to adjust their common boundary by agreement if, at the time the agreement is executed:
In this case, Frisco ISD worked with Allen ISD to ensure the boundary adjustment would not negatively impact AISD’s opportunity for taxable revenue.
“We wanted to be a good neighbor and ensure Allen ISD would not lose taxable property as a result of us acquiring land for a new high school,” Wilkinson said.
Frisco ISD has worked with neighboring school districts in the past on arrangements like these in situations where a boundary adjustment benefits both districts, has a neutral impact on values and limits confusion for future residents.