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Frisco ISD welcomed about 53,000 students on the first day of the school, an increase of nearly 3,000 or 6 percent from peak enrollment during the 2014-15 school year.
FISD continues to rank among the fastest growing school districts in the nation and typically adds between 2,500 and 3,500 students each year.
Enrollment, which topped 50,000 students in February 2015, was projected to reach 53,181 during the upcoming school year and 56,715 by 2016-17.
Compare that to 33,904, the District’s enrollment just four years ago. That’s 33 percent growth, or an average of just more than 8 percent a year.
Four new campuses greeted students for the first time when classes began on August 24, including Reedy High School, Trent and Pearson middle schools and Norris Elementary.
The schools bring the total number in FISD to 64, including 8 high schools, 15 middle schools, 38 elementary schools and 3 special programs schools.
“It has been an extremely busy summer with the finalizing of the new schools, the summer improvement projects, the hiring of new personnel, and the training and development opportunities for new and returning staff,” said Dr. Jeremy Lyon, Superintendent of Schools. “Our team is now 6,500 strong and we are very thankful for the support of the community in our efforts to be prepared for the needs of more than 53,000 students.”
A number of additional schools are currently under construction to open in fall 2016, including Lebanon Trail High School, Nelson Middle School and Miller and Vaughn elementary schools. Memorial High School and Lawler Middle School are already in the works for 2017, along with an anticipated two elementary schools.
Each new school presents educators, students and parents with the unique opportunity to establish values and traditions that will define the campus for years to come.
The District plans to celebrate the four campuses that opened this August during dedication ceremonies honoring each school namesake. The public is invited to attend the following events: