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Frisco ISD Set To Begin Annual Rezoning Process

25 Sep, 09:38 PM
Recent forum featured information regarding the rezoning process and timeline. Miss the meeting? Click here to watch the video.

Frisco ISD welcomed families September 24 for a conversation about the rezoning process for four new schools opening in fall 2016.

The public forum was designed to engage parents and students early in the process so that families know what to expect and when. Although rezoning occurs annually in Frisco ISD, many may be unaware of the frequency or considerations involved.

“We wanted to take a proactive approach in reaching out to families to help them understand the process and how they can be involved,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jeremy Lyon. “Rezoning is always difficult, but due to unprecedented growth, we have a lot of experience with it in Frisco ISD.”

FISD officials shared the rezoning timeline and explained opportunities for families to provide input and feedback regarding the draft attendance zones, which will be presented for the first time at the regular School Board meeting on October 19.

At the November regular meeting of the Board, there will be a time for public input regarding the proposals, with a final decision to be made at the December meeting.

Schools opening in August 2016 include:

  • Lebanon Trail High School, 5151 Ohio Drive – potentially impacting zones of Liberty, Independence, Centennial and Frisco high schools.
  • Nelson Middle School, 10100 Independence Parkway – potentially impacting zones of Roach, Maus and Scoggins middle school zones.
  • Miller Elementary, 300 Cypress Hill Drive in Little Elm – potentially impacting zones of Robertson, Phillips and Newman elementary schools.
  • Vaughn Elementary, 3535 Guinn Gate Drive – potentially impacting zones of Hosp and Nichols elementary schools.

The event also highlighted the need for rezoning, given the District’s fast growth and commitment to smaller schools. FISD has long prided itself on smaller high schools, which provide more opportunities for students to get involved in activities and enhance educators’ abilities to build personal relationships and know the name and need of every student.

Dr. Lyon shared updated data from external demographer PASA, which shows the rate at which Frisco ISD is growing relative to its neighbors, as well as a comparison of STAAR test results from the largest school districts in the state.

In the past 20 years, FISD has built 60 schools and grown by more than 50,000 students. Average annual growth in the last 10 years has been 3,300 students – that’s enough to fill one high school and one middle school and is greater than the size of most school districts in Texas. That growth level is expected to continue for the next five years and FISD is projected to reach nearly 80,000 students by 2025.

The District utilizes data regarding growth in neighborhoods, new construction and population trends to assist in developing rezoning proposals. The following factors are also evaluated:

  • Capacity – In Frisco ISD, elementary schools serve 700-plus students in grades K-5, middle schools serve 800-1,000 students in grades 6-8 and high schools serve up to 2,100 students in grades 9-12. If school enrollment reaches 100 students over capacity or more, that campus may be closed to new students. Each situation is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and in recent years, FISD has allowed school enrollment to rise above capacity before providing relief in order to be as cost effective as possible and to allow more time to make the best decisions possible for students. View enrollment by campus as of September 9, 2015.
  • Stability – FISD looks at zones that can stay in place for the longest period of time/minimizing disruption of the least number of students possible. Due to rapid growth, high numbers of students in certain neighborhoods and a commitment to smaller schools, some areas have seen more change on a more frequent basis. This has particularly been the case along the outer edges of the District.
  • Effective utilization of space – FISD strives to provide schools of the size to offer a well-rounded program and opportunities while maintaining room for growth and not leaving other schools overcrowded or underutilized for an extended period of time.
  • Proximity – The goal has been to move students closer to a school with each rezoning, particularly at the elementary level, but in order to effectively and efficiently utilize space that is not always possible. This is particularly the case in areas where FISD has schools in close proximity to one another. More than one school can become a consideration for a neighborhood/area due to location. This means that during the process of rezoning and addressing growth, students may be rezoned to an existing school or one that is not the closest to them in proximity.
  • Community – Frisco ISD knows that schools are an integral part of creating connections and maintaining a sense of community. Leaders are sensitive to this important dynamic and are committed to providing equitable experiences throughout the District, which allows for a smoother transition when change occurs. The curriculum is the same throughout the District, the programs are consistent, the schools are very similar so they will feel familiar, and when a new school opens, at least one third of the staff will be veteran FISD employees. Although the District strives to keep neighborhoods intact as much as possible, many are just too large or too densely populated with students for this to be feasible. While FISD continues to consider future feeder patterns, the growth makes it increasingly difficult to have whole elementary schools feeding a particular middle school and then a particular high school.

In addition to meeting key members of the team who develop the zoning recommendations, audience members also got opportunity to hear from Devin Padavil, principal of Lebanon Trail High School.

Padavil comes to FISD from Pflugerville ISD, where he was honored as the 2014 Region XIII High School Principal of the Year for his work at Hendrickson High School. He described his vision for LTHS, which is planned to open with 9th graders only.

FISD officials also took questions from the audience on a variety of topics including feeder patterns, neighborhood considerations and student programming and opportunities at Lebanon Trail.

The forum did not include any discussion of actual zone proposals as those have not been finalized.

Miss the Forum?

Watch the video below or learn more on the rezoning website.