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Timeline and Forums Set for Superintendent Search

21 Apr, 08:44 PM
The District's superintendent search firm will host two events to gather input and feedback from the community regarding the District's next leader.

A timeline and community engagement plan were established this week to assist Frisco ISD trustees in their search to replace retiring superintendent Dr. Jeremy Lyon.

The Board made clear its intent to name a lone finalist by the last week of school, enabling FISD staff to know who its new leader will be prior to summer break.

Employees and community members will have the opportunity voice their thoughts on a superintendent profile at both internal meetings and public forums.

“Feedback is critical to help shape the superintendent profile and none is more important than that of our employees,” said Anne McCausland, Board president. “They know the mechanics of what goes into teaching our students and that knowledge will largely contribute. Our community members are also vested in this district and have a say in what shapes FISD. We want to hear from these groups.”

Dr. Jenny Preston of Preston Educational Consulting will visit with staff and a Board-appointed focus group throughout the day on Wednesday, April 26.

Community forums are set for Monday, May 1 at Wakeland High School and Wednesday, May 3 at Independence High School. Both meetings will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. in the school cafeterias.

In addition, an online survey is now available regarding qualities desired in the next superintendent. Learn more about the process here