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Congratulations to the Lebanon Trail High School Chamber Orchestra, which placed sixth in the state overall in the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) String Honor Orchestra Competition.
The Lebanon Trail High School Orchestra program is lead by Paul Vanderpool and Aline Moore.
“Four years ago, when LTHS first opened, the freshman and I talked about what we wanted our orchestra program to look like after the first year and what we envisioned for year four,” Vanderpool said. “Submitting a recording to the TMEA String Honor Orchestra Competition was a ‘year four’ goal for our Varsity Orchestra. Each year, as we added students to our program, we included them in on the goal of preparing for this competition. This year, our fourth year, we fulfilled our promise to each other by recording and submitting our performance.”
The Lebanon Trail High School Chamber Orchestra performed and recorded their String Honor Orchestra program at the Allen High School Performing Arts Center in early October for submission to the TMEA competition.
This year the competition included entries from 39 of the best high school orchestra programs across the state of Texas, regardless of classification.
After the first round of judging in Houston, the LTHS Chamber Orchestra was one of 11 finalists and moved on to the second round of judging.
After the second round of judging, the LTHS Chamber Orchestra placed sixth overall in the state.
The LTHS Chamber Orchestra should be commended on their hard work, dedication, persistence and growth throughout this process.
“The students worked incredibly hard during class time and outside of class time. We did not waste any time and held before school tutorials starting the first full week of school,” Vanderpool said. “We also had local string professionals and guest clinicians work with our students throughout their preparation.
“The students learned and performed professional level literature in under nine weeks. It is an amazing accomplishment and I am incredibly proud of them for fulfilling a vision that we started four years ago.”
The Honor Orchestra selection process seeks to recognize and honor quality musicianship in the performance of advanced literature at the highest level. Congratulations to the LTHS Chamber Orchestra for setting and achieving goals for the orchestra program.