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Frisco ISD to Provide Free Meals to All Children

1 Oct, 10:44 PM
The District has received a waiver from the USDA to offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students, both on-campus and virtual learners, as well as to children who are not enrolled in FISD.
Free School Meals

Frisco ISD has been approved to provide free meals this fall to students and children age 18 and younger regardless of family income. 

The District has received a waiver from the USDA to offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to all students, both on-campus and virtual learners, as well as to children who are not enrolled in FISD. 

The free meals will be available – both in school cafés and “to go” – beginning Oct. 1. The waiver currently runs through Dec. 18.

The meal benefit is similar to what Frisco ISD provided to families during the school closure this spring and summer. However, because FISD did not automatically qualify for the national waiver, free meals have only been available this school year for students who qualify for free meals based on federal income guidelines. In order for the District to qualify to provide free meals, Frisco ISD had to modify the pick-up locations for families participating in virtual instruction.

Families interested in receiving free breakfast or lunch should refer to the following information based on their child’s enrollment status and learning environment:

Frisco ISD Students Participating in On-Campus Instruction 

No action or sign-up is required in order for on-campus students to receive free meals during the waiver period. All complete meals, which require students to select a fruit or vegetable, will be free regardless of meal status. However, school cafés will continue to offer items for purchase including incomplete meals, snacks and a la carte items. 

Frisco ISD Students Participating in Virtual Instruction & Non-Frisco ISD Students Age 18 and Younger 

“To-go” meals will continue to be available for pick-up upon request for enrolled Frisco ISD students participating in Virtual Academy, as well as for children who are not yet school age or who are enrolled in another public, private, charter or home school. Five days’ worth of breakfast and lunch will be distributed once a week (one breakfast and one lunch per day per student). All meals will be free through the waiver period, however, families must sign up in advance at this link for the remainder of the first nine weeks of school which concludes Oct. 16. Those families who had already signed up are asked to do so again to indicate their new choice of pick-up location. There will be a separate, additional sign-up form for the second nine weeks (Oct. 19 - Dec. 18) because of the opportunity for students to switch instructional environments. 

Weekly meal distribution is every Thursday. Starting Oct. 8, meals will be distributed at the following locations, which have changed based on the District’s approval for no-cost meal distribution. Times are specific to each site:

  • 8-9 AM: Early Childhood School, 10330 Red Cedar Drive, Frisco, TX, 75035

  • 9-10 AM: Clark Middle School, 4600 Colby Drive, Frisco, TX, 75035 

Children must either be present or student ID numbers or proof of guardianship is required. Click here for more detailed information regarding pick-up instructions.