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Fifty works of art by Frisco ISD high school visual arts students are headed to the annual State Visual Art Scholastic Event, an event that has shifted to a virtual format this year.
Through the Regional VASE competition, visual art students submitted a maximum of two artworks and a written explanation about their creative process. A juror then evaluated each student’s artwork using a standards-based rubric.
The top 10% of each division’s artworks at Regional were selected to advance to the High School VASE State Event. At State, the artwork will be adjudicated with higher standards. State competition also provides an opportunity for the students to take workshops taught by art teachers from around Texas, although this year they will access those classes virtually.
Frisco ISD has a powerful visual art program that is supported by a community of teachers. The accomplishment of these students is a testament to the arts education that begins with our youngest learners who are challenged to apply their creativity in new and increasingly complex ways as they progress through middle and high school.
Congratulations to the following students whose artwork qualified for State and to their teachers who have guided them through the process!