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The Frisco ISD high school visual art program is a consistent powerhouse in the annual State Visual Art Scholastic Event and this year was no different. Across the state, more than 22,500 pieces of artwork were judged through VASE this year, including the 50 artworks sent to State by Frisco ISD.
Of those, 46 pieces received a medal or Gold Seal, an incredible accomplishment for the high school visual arts students across the District. Frisco ISD students earned 10 Gold Seals out of only 150 Gold Seals awarded state wide.
VASE judges consider five main criteria when reviewing student artwork including: purpose or execution of intent, technique or use of media and tools, personal expression, elements and principles of art, and the ability to communicate an effective interpretation of all aspects of the creative process.
To have works selected for this incredible honor is a tribute both to the hard work of the students and to the high standards that educators have set for student achievement.
Congratulations to all of the students who were rated 4-Exemplary and especially those who earned the Gold Seal with a level 5-Distinguished rating.
Audrey Bactad, Heritage High School
Deeksha Bompada, Independence High School
Kayla Buckley, Centennial High School
Lara Gonzalez, Independence High School
Madison Heydon, Wakeland High School
Anusha Kashyapa, Independence High School
Joy Kim, Liberty High School
Tiffany Ling, Independence High School
Helen Qin, Independence High School
Maviya Yaseen, Independence High School
Leina Beshir, Independence High School
Deeksha Bompada, Independence High School
Molly Bucek, Heritage High School
Kayla Buckley, Centennial High School
Claire Callaway, Independence High School
Hailey Crawford, Heritage High School
Sneha Das, Reedy High School
Ryan Habib, Centennial High School
Detrek Hansen, Independence High School
Jane Hao, Liberty High School
Madison Heydon, ​Wakeland High School
Chloe Hicks, Lebanon Trail High School
Amelia Horrocks, Reedy High School
Venella Jilla, Independence High School
Sehar Kapadia, Independence High School
Mauli Karapurkar, Liberty High School
Medha Kashpaya, Independence High School
Nithya Katpally, Centennial High School
Srinjoyi Lahiri, Lebanon Trail High School
Macy Li, Centennial High School
Nivedhithaa Manikandan, Independence High School
Gregory Oganesyan, Centennial High School
Brandon Paz, Reedy High School
Shriya Peddapuram, Independence High School
Erin Shanahan, Lone Star High School
Riya Shrivastava, Centennial High School
Maya Silberman, Liberty High School
Alekhya Vattikuti, Independence High School
Veda Vyakaranam, Independence High School
Campbell Williams, Independence High School
Ghazal Yadav, Independence High School
Sage Yang, Lone Star High School
Ashwin Yogaratnam (2), Memorial High School
Claire Zhang, Centennial High School
Amy Zhou, Independence High School