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FISD Names Wilkinson Middle School Principal

29 Nov, 04:16 PM By Korinna Kirchhoff
Jamie Wisneski, currently the principal of Pearson Middle School, has been named the principal of Richard A. Wilkinson Middle School.

Jamie WiskneskiJamie Wisneski, currently the principal of Pearson Middle School, has been named the principal of Richard A. Wilkinson Middle School.

Wisneski has been with FISD for nearly 20 years and opened Roach Middle School as a teacher, Maus Middle School as an assistant principal and Pearson Middle School as a principal. Her involvement in opening multiple campuses across the District provides a unique wealth of experience that she is excited to bring to Wilkinson.

“I am blessed to have spent the last seven years with the staff and families of Pearson Middle School,” Wisneski said. “Together we laughed, maneuvered a pandemic, created traditions and built lifelong friendships.”

“I look forward to bringing the lessons I’ve learned along the way to Wilkinson Middle School and establishing a tradition of excellence.”

Set to open in the fall of 2023, Wilkinson will serve students in the Frisco Hills, Estates of Rockhill, Villas at Doe Creek, The Travis, Hollyhock and Somerset Park neighborhoods.

Construction began on the campus earlier this year. The school is located across the street from Panther Creek High School at 1892 PGA Parkway in northwest Frisco. Collaboration and outdoor learning were driving factors of the campus design, along with providing flexibility, variety and choice for educators and students.

“From the physical building to the instructional strategies, students' needs will be the focus,” Wisneski said. “When students and parents walk in the building for the first time, I want them to know they are entering a fun, engaging and student-centered learning environment.”

Wisneski’s journey in education began 26 years ago as a middle school math teacher in Richardson ISD. Her commitment to building relationships with students and their families has always been a priority.

“Every child deserves to feel comfortable and to have a sense of belonging at their school,” Wisneski said. “I look forward to building a culture rooted in the importance of connections between the students, the staff and the community.”

Over the next several months, Wisneski will help with the final phases of construction and planning for the successful opening of Wilkinson in the fall of 2023.

Wisneski earned her bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies at Stephen F. Austin State University and her master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Dallas Baptist University.