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Established in June 1999, the Frisco Education Foundation was created to enhance the educational opportunities of Frisco ISD students. Since then, the FEF and its donors have provided more than 10 million dollars in scholarship funds to 9,565 graduating FISD seniors.
This past week, the FEF awarded more than $645,000 in 889 scholarships to 775 members of the Class of 2023. The scholarships were presented at a memorable evening event celebrating the recipients and their donors.
Students received several types of scholarships: corporate-sponsored, community-sponsored, school-organization, honor, memorial and FEF scholarships. More than 500 of the 775 scholarship recipients were awarded their scholarships in separate events during their athletic or fine arts booster club banquet or PTA/PTSA/PTO recognition event.
“Thanks to the many generous scholarship donors, it is evident that we have a lot of people investing in our community, our students and their continued education,” said Director of the Frisco Education Foundation Allison Miller. “We wish all of our FISD graduates much success in the next chapter of their journey - just remember that we, the FISD community, are always here for you!”
As the students left the event, they received one final parting gift, a yard sign proclaiming that they are an FEF scholarship recipient. Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients!