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Frisco Education Foundation Awards Grants for Great Ideas

8 Nov, 12:56 PM By Rachel McReynolds
Forty-five grants were given to educators and staff across FISD, to pay for everything from makerspaces to musical instruments.

When most of Frisco was starting their day Nov. 1, the Frisco Education Foundation was dropping into FISD schools to deliver big checks and happy tears.

Gunstream Elementary School was given $3,800 for three makerspaces, where students can explore and innovate hands-on.

Scoggins Middle School received nearly $3,000 for an outdoor classroom that will foster students’ creativity and critical thinking skills.

Grants went to the Staley Middle library for nonfiction sports books; to Lebanon Trail High for drones for a new STEAM club; to Fisher Elementary for glockenspiels. Thanks to these grants, Panther Creek High will be able to establish a community podcast; the Early Childhood Center’s Multicultural Family Read-Alouds will get a boost; and Frisco High will be able to take some emergent bilingual students on a field trip to learn about post-high school employment opportunities.

That’s just a sample of the Grants for Great Ideas awarded by the Frisco Education Foundation.

This year, the foundation gave away over $61,000 for special program supplies, learning opportunities and classroom materials. That number represents 45 grants awarded across 34 FISD schools, with 44 educators and 23 co-applicants receiving funds. One districtwide grant was also awarded.

Grants are made possible thanks to Frisco ISD payroll contributions, CoServ, the Frisco Women’s League and other community partners. Since 1999, 778 grants have been awarded, for a total of more than $1.16 million. 

“This is my favorite day of the year,” said Ashley Sine, director of the Frisco Education Foundation and community relations. “This is a chance for the Frisco ISD community to directly give back to the classroom and see their donations used by educators in a way that positively impacts kids’ lives.”

The Frisco Education Foundation is a 510(c)(3) nonprofit. Its mission is to provide financial resources to maximize student potential in FISD through educational programs, student scholarships and grants for innovative educators. Grants are made possible thanks to Frisco ISD payroll contributions and community partners.

Donations to FEF “make dreams a reality,” said Terri West, program specialist with the Frisco Education Foundation. To support foundation initiatives such as Grants for Great Ideas, donate to the Frisco Education Foundation.

Coming up

FEF scholarships: The application opens for the Class of 2024 at 10 a.m. Nov. 30, and it closes at 4 p.m. Dec. 21.

Mindbender Camp: A STEAM camp for incoming FISD sixth, seventh and eighth graders will be in June 2024. Registration opens at 7 a.m. March 22, 2024.

More information can be found on the FEF website. Congratulations to all of the 2023-24 grant recipients!

Elementary school grant recipients

  • Megan Farber, Allen Elementary School

  • Jessie Jones, Anderson Elementary School

  • Jennifer Hamil-Renfro and Kristen Whittaker, Ashley Elementary School

  • Christopher Mapp, Borchardt Elementary School

  • Jennifer Schneider, Kathryn Ross and Brittany Bisetti, Fisher Elementary School

  • Angel Trevino, Fisher Elementary School

  • Andrew Davies, Gunstream Elementary School

  • Kelsey Newman, Isbell Elementary School

  • Laura Newell, Liscano Elementary

  • Hannah Hasty, Minett Elementary School

  • Kristine Seale, Newman Elementary School

  • Terri Rayer, Norris Elementary School

  • Van Ridlehuber, Phillips Elementary School

  • Krista Wade, Riddle Elementary School

  • Kimberly Near and Kristine Forsythe, Shawnee Trail Elementary School

  • Kristin Klembara and Jill Malloy, Spears Elementary School

  • Lucy Towle, Tadlock Elementary

  • Nicole Zagorski, Tadlock Elementary

  • Jordyn Arendse, Vaughn Elementary

  • Amanda Gaudet, Vaughn Elementary

Middle school grant recipients

  • David McLeod, Griffin Middle School

  • Gayathri Kumar, Nelson Middle School

  • Michelle Boyd, Alyson Mendez and Nichole Aryanpur, Pearson Middle School

  • Dara Bender, Scoggins Middle School

  • Katie Miraglia, Kelli Anderson and Katie Miraglia, Scoggins Middle School

  • Kenisha Taylor, Stafford Middle School

  • Wendy Charles, Staley Middle School

  • Kelly Hargraves, Staley Middle School

  • Ashley Garcia, Vandeventer Middle School

  • Gretchen Meldrum, Wilkinson Middle School

  • Gloria Pienaar, Wilkinson Middle School

High school grant recipients

  • Brittany Kiekhoefer, Ninfa Loera, Katie Andersen, Cindy Marshall and Cara Yeates, Centennial High School

  • Monica Burke, Frisco High School

  • Wesley Dennis, Independence High School

  • NNDCC, Lebanon Trail High School

  • Dr. Anju Bhalla, Lone Star High School

  • Stephanie Lambert, Memorial High School

  • Aaron Cappotelli, Panther Creek High School

  • NIcholaus Frederick, Sydney Tucker and Sarah Terry, Panther Creek High School

  • Kristi Bowers, Reedy High School

  • Kristin Kubic, Jessica Aleman-Singh, Meri Riveira, Paula Chestnut, Eric Swenson and Cristal Maddox, Reedy High School

  • Nancy Jo Lambert and Michael Vick, Reedy High School

Districtwide and special programs grants

  • Heather Mayfield and Elma Montenegro, Counseling Department

  • Kathy Knesek, Early Childhood Center (two grants)

A full list of recipients and their programs can be found online.