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Community members who want to make an impact on Frisco ISD have a host of options, including by volunteering with the District or taking part in FISD Insight.
They can also join a district committee. Applications are now open.
District committees — composed of parents, students, community members and District staff — cover everything from calendars to school safety to curriculum to legislative priorities. Their valuable input has shaped the District in the short and long term.
Each committee’s purpose, membership, commitment and term limits info are outlined on the District website. Each committee has different term lengths and limits, and the number of representatives from each stakeholder group varies.
District Advisory Council, which includes the following subcommittees:
District Goals Committee - Provides insight and feedback on the District’s goals for the year.
Federal Programs Committee - Provides timely, meaningful consultation regarding the District’s planning and decision making concerning activities related to specific federal grant programs.
District Bond Committee - Receives regular updates on the implementation of District bond programs and provides feedback.
Special Education Parent Advisory Committee - Learns about local special education practice and services, provides input and feedback on District special education initiatives and provides a parent perspective regarding current trends in special education. Membership is limited to parents of students receiving 504 or special education services.
Career & Technology Education Committee - Provides insight, recommendations and feedback to District staff on CTE curriculum.
Gifted & Talented Advisory Committee - Provides insight, recommendations and feedback to District staff on GT Curriculum. Membership is limited to parents of students enrolled in FISD GT courses and FISD teachers of GT courses.
Calendars Committee - Develops a recommended school calendar for the following school year.
Board Leadership Academy - This is a new committee designed for community members interested in serving on the Frisco ISD School Board who want to learn more about the role and responsibilities of a board member.
Frisco ISD uses one application for all committees. The application opens Aug. 1 and closes at midnight Aug. 23.
Each committee has different term lengths and limits. If you are selected for a committee, you will receive notice from the committee chair by the end of September. Anyone who is not selected for membership on a committee will remain in the applicant pool and may be selected to fill committee vacancies that occur throughout the year.