
In November 2018, Frisco ISD voters approved a $691 million bond package to provide funding to build four new schools and maintain and repair existing facilities. Funds will also provide additional resources for classroom technology and school security, as well as additional student opportunities in academics, fine arts and athletics. The bond program is intended to take the District through 72,000 students or the end of the 2025-26 school year.

Materials prices and labor costs for construction projects have increased dramatically since 2020, causing many of the 2018 bond projects to exceed their budgeted cost in the bond program. FISD, with the help of the Bond Committee and approval from the Board of Trustees, was able to repurpose funds from the 2014 bond program, to cover construction overruns without exceeding the total amount of debt authorized by voters.


Completed Projects

  • Panther Creek High School

  • Wilkinson Middle School

  • Wortham Intermediate School

  • Resurface elementary playgrounds

  • Update and refresh 25-year-old elementary campuses

  • Security surveillance updates

  • Career and Technical Education Center Expansion

  • Parking expansion and marching fields

  • Swim facility expansion, including expanded Athletics offices

  • Baseball and softball facilities

  • Equip buses with new technology, including the Transportation RFID Tracking System

  • Update the Barrow Transportation facility

Ongoing Projects

  • Maintain regular preventative maintenance, repair and replacement cycles for buildings

  • Retrofit campuses with LED lighting

  • Update and/or replace furniture and equipment in older campuses

  • Visual and Performing Arts Center 

  • Purchase additional buses, white fleet and box trucks and replace vehicles

Projects on Hold