2018 Tax Ratification Election

The 2018 Tax Ratification Election received the support of 58% of voters. The election resulted in a total tax rate of $1.44 per $100 valuation, two cents lower than the tax rate from 2012 to 2017.

The TRE increased the portion of the tax rate that pays for day-to-day operations by 13 cents, from $1.04 to $1.17. A Board-adopted resolution also took effect to offset that increase, reducing the portion of the tax rate that pays off debt from $0.42 to $0.27, lowering the overall tax burden and ensuring the higher operations rate did not impact taxpayers.

The net decrease in the tax rate provided relief to residents as property values continue to rise.

The tax swap generated millions of dollars in additional revenue to address operating recommendations made by the Facilities and Programs Evaluation Committee, including:

  • Reduce class size

  • Increase student intervention

  • Expand choice programs

  • Expand CTE programs

  • Expand early childhood and pre-K programs

  • Maintain competitive pay

Read the 2019-2020 Budget Book