Research Request Submission Guidelines

In order to facilitate the review of research requests in a timely manner, a brief written proposal stating the purpose and scope of the requested study must be submitted in the following the outlined format:

  • A copy of the University’s Institution Review Board (IRB) approval letter (if applicable).

  • Identify the subjects and number of subjects being requested to participate in the study: students, parent, staff, administration, or combination. 

  • State the process that will be used to identify and select participants.  How will the participants be requested to participate (e.g., phone calls, e-mails, etc…) and how will parental permission be obtained, if including students?  Once participants are selected, how will they be allowed to opt-out of the study? 

  • Provide a detailed description of the research plan (e.g., Type of data collected?  How would the data be collected?  What would be required from participants, in terms of duration and frequency of research participation?  What are the approximate start and end dates for data collection?). 

  • How much time will be required from the research participant in order to participate in the study?  Would district personnel be required to participate during their contract hours?  Would students be required to participate during their instructional time?  Provide any additional information that will provide insight to the impact on research participants.

  • Describe how the data will be used.  How will the identity of the participant(s)/district be kept confidential.

  • Provide a copy of the survey questions and/or survey instrument(s).  The survey instrument must be reviewed and approved by FISD personnel prior to the commencement of the study.   

  • Outline any potential risks to the participants, and identify how these risks will be communicated to participants.   

  • Will the research results be shared with Frisco ISD?  How would this study provide benefit to Frisco ISD?   

  •  A Criminal Background check must be obtained if the researcher will be on a Frisco ISD campus and/or using students as participants.  FISD’s Human Resources department can assist you with this requirement.

Please email completed research request proposals to Dr. Gary Nye: and Dr. Braden Hoelzle: for consideration.

Depending on the nature of the request, additional information may be required. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Once your research request has been reviewed you will be notified if:

  • Your research request was approved and what the next steps will be.

  • Your research request was denied.

  • Additional information is required.

Please note:

  • Frisco ISD will not be able to participate in all requests. Research requests that involve direct teacher and/or student involvement are only approved on a limited basis to ensure that our students and the learning environment are protected, and that our staff is not overly distracted by outside research.

  • If the research request directly involves an element of campus participation, the campus principal will ultimately choose whether or not his/her campus will participate. The campus principal should not be contacted regarding the research request prior to approval from the central office.