Parent/guardian must notify the school nurse of student’s specific food allergy.
Parent/guardian should complete Food Allergy Information and Consent Form.
A Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan must be completed by the parent/guardian and physician.
If medication is prescribed a Medication: Parent/Guardian Request Form must be completed by parent/guardian.
A Self-Administration of Prescription Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medication by Students form must be completed by the physician & parents if needed.
For food allergies and/or if food substitutes are needed, the Special Diet and Allergy Accommodation Form must be completed by the physician and parent/guardian and returned to the cafeteria manager and a copy must be given to the school nurse.
Special accommodations may be provided upon recommendation of a core team consisting of parent/guardian, teacher, school nurse and school administrator after receiving documentation from a physician regarding the allergy.