School Climate

A positive school environment supports students’ growth across all the developmental pathways—physical, psychological, cognitive, social and emotional. In addition, a positive school climate reduces stress and anxiety that create biological impediments to learning. 

When you walk into a school with a positive climate, you know it immediately. A positive climate considers the Whole Child's distinctive strengths, needs and interests in support of the learning environment. 

The climate sets the tone for a school. It can be seen in the physical environment, experienced during the learning process and felt in how people within the school interact. To create, maintain and sustain a  positive school climate in schools, Frisco ISD uses the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.

The Olweus Program provides the framework and procedures necessary for completing the work of the Whole Child Program and creating and sustaining a positive school climate. The program focuses on long-term change that creates a safe and positive school climate to produce schools where everyone belongs. 

School Climate Vision

Student leaders, along with caring adults, will develop proactive strategies to create a positive school climate where:

  • Peer mistreatment is not tolerated

  • Peer mistreatment is not seen as normal

  • We don’t blame the target for being mistreated

  • Students and staff are accepted regardless of differences

  • Response to unacceptable behavior is set with firm limits, escalating consequences delivered in a warm, caring manner.  This is achieved by using rubric-based discipline

  • Reporting peer abuse is the norm

  • Bystanders stand up in the face of injustice

  • Healthy lifestyles and academic success are encouraged by all

Framework and Procedures 

To build a positive school culture, a series of things are done and procedures are put in place to respond to peer mistreatment and create a positive school climate.

School-wide Framework Procedures (Before)

  • Develop a Whole Child Committee, site coordinator and subcommittee chairs

  • Establish procedures and opportunities for staff, students, parents and the community to build positive connections 

  • Establish Student Ambassadors 

  • Develop definitions for various types of peer mistreatment

  • Establish rules/expectations with a rubric-based discipline system for bullying and harassment with consistent, fair and escalating consequences for administrator reference

  • Develop a process for students and staff to report incidents of peer mistreatment and other safety concerns

  • Educate staff, students and parents on signs of danger 

  • Have an anonymous reporting system

  • All staff and students receive annual bullying prevention training

  • Establish a procedure for administrators to investigate reports of peer mistreatment

  • Conduct needs assessments of health, wellness and school climate for staff and students 

School-wide Framework Procedures (During)

  • Make an intentional effort to focus on acceptance/belonging throughout the school year

  • Respond to concerns about school climate and health and wellness discovered from surveys or direct observation at the classroom level

  • Provide ongoing character development

  • Provide ongoing parent education

  • Recognize and reinforce prosocial behaviors

  • Conduct class meetings

  • Conduct staff discussion lessons

  • Provide ongoing training for staff and students regarding bullying and school climate

  • Adults in the school and community serve as positive role models

  • Promote ongoing efforts toward building a positive school climate

School-wide Framework Procedures (After)

  • Develop specific class meetings and staff discussions to address areas of concern

  • Develop individualized interventions for students who bully others or are often targeted by those who bully

  • Use Stay Away plans to protect students from bullying and harassment

  • Follow the bullying prevention rubric when determining consequences for bullying and harassment 

  • Offer counseling to students who bully or get bullied

  • Develop plans for addressing hotspots (unsafe areas)