
Social Studies instruction in FISD starts with a focus on our state standards called TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) and incorporates  Social Studies Literacy Skills. These skills provide the foundation that allow students to develop their skills in critical thinking with a goal for Social Studies in Frisco ISD is for students to have the tools to develop their understanding of history, government, economics, and the world.  

Foundational Beliefs

Social Studies instruction in FISD is grounded in our foundational beliefs:

Positive Culture

  • Safe, inclusive classroom culture for collaboration and exploration.

  • Students will engage with challenging topics in a supportive environment and develop a Growth Mindset by embracing challenges, taking risks, and achieving success. Celebrate and incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies to foster a sense of community.

Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

  • Students will engage with challenging topics in a supportive environment and develop a Growth Mindset by embracing challenges, taking risks, and achieving success. Celebrate and incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies to foster a sense of community.

  • Collaborative teams will utilize Understanding By Design (UBD), to prioritize standards and design assessments for student mastery.

  • Focus on district-selected Power Standards for targeted mastery, driving intervention and extension.

  • Emphasize Social Studies and Literacy skills to develop critical thinking and transferable skills.

  • Provide feedback and opportunities for student academic growth.

Differentiated Instruction and Assessment

  • Use data to identify student needs and provide differentiated Instruction allowing for all students to learn at high levels.

  • Design student- centered, engaging lessons and opportunities for Voice and Choice.

  • Align assessments to standards through Standards-Based Practices to ensure mastery and growth.

  • Clearly communicate learning and mastery to all students and parents.

  • Provide various assessment types: objective questions, performance tasks, and writing opportunities.

Learner-Centered Experience

  • Personalize Learning based on each student’s strengths, needs, and interests.

  • Use Inquiry-Based Design for meaningful learning experiences.

  • Focus on building Future-Ready Skills through students transferring their learning.