89th Legislative Session
The Texas Legislature meets in Austin from January through May of each odd-numbered year. The 89th Legislative Session ran from January 14, 2025 - June 2, 2025.
Bill Tracker
Throughout each session, Frisco ISD government affairs staff tracks all proposed legislation pertaining to public education. Bills are categorized by issue, prioritized by potential impact, and followed as they make their way through the process. Only bills that begin to move are summarized.
Bills are prioritized based on the expected impact to the district or the level of public attention garnered by the bill, not based on the preferences. High priority bills are either a state leadership priority, related to a Frisco ISD legislative priority, would require significant resources to implement a change in district policy, practice, or procedures, or would otherwise significantly impact the district.
As a matter of practice, Frisco ISD does not take positions on specific bills introduced in the Legislature. The District strives to be a helpful resource for elected officials as they consider changes impacting public education.
The Frisco ISD Government Affairs Legislative Dashboard provides automatically updated, at-a-glance information regarding the legislative session
Additionally, Frisco ISD Government Affairs maintains a real-time spreadsheet of all education-related bills being tracked.
Legislative Testimony
During the legislative session, lawmakers hold hearings to discuss the impact of proposed legislation. Between sessions, hearings are also held for committees to gather information related to their interim charges or topics they are assigned to study by chamber leadership.
Hearings often include both invited and public testimony from stakeholders and experts. Frisco ISD participates throughout the session and the interim by providing information to legislators regarding the interim charge or likely impact of proposed bills on the district and public schools generally. Any time a representative of Frisco ISD provides oral testimony in a committee hearing, the district also submits written testimony to provide additional or supporting information to the committee members.